99 Days 99 Channels – Video 92 Is it possibe to experience spiritual enlightenment through the use of medicinal plants, hallucinogenic drugs, alcohol, and drugs? Many indigenous cultures teach about a spiritual path using plant medicine, elixirs, and alchemy. Are these methods of spiritual practice effective? Or are they a hinderance? Modern science has created numerous mind altering chemicals – LSD, DMT, ecstacy – that open perceptual doorways to paranormal experiences. Will these substances bring a spiritual seeker closer to enlightenment? Is Self-Realization possible through the use of an external aid? Listen as the Higher Self shares simple guidance and a higher perspective. Enjoy! — Welcome to 99 Days 99 Channels, presented by Channelling Higher Self. For the next 99 days, I will channel Higher Self to provide answers to questions posted by my YouTube viewers. These questions will be on a wide variety of topics. To submit your own topic, send me a personal message. To learn more about Channelling Higher Self, please visit my YouTube channel – ChannelHigherSelf. To view all 99 Days 99 Channels video, view my Playlist titled “99 Days 99 Channels”. Or vist my website: www.99days99channels.com & http
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wtf did i just subject myself to? did this guy blink at all?
@ChannelHigherSelf Exactly. Very good explanation. That’s for your attention and care.
It’s not only take the plants. Is meditate, observate, do what’s necessary.
@ChannelHigherSelf Meditation is exactly what a well informed person will do when using this plants. And yes, most of the plants make in Pure Consciousness and more. You don’t know that because you never used but that is ok. But i can assure to you that is not different from ascending. Of course it takes a long way. Even incarnations. With (DMT) you get in a state of mind, the same as the tibetan monks (for ex.). The difference is that some of them need 8 hours to reach that, we reach in 1hr
@ChannelHigherSelf I’m one of these people. I know it very well. It’s everybody’s own resposability.
@Corai12 I know of no plants that can deliver a person to this Pure Consciousness Non-duality state. The only method I know of is genuine meditation, spiritual surrender and awakening the Spiritual Heart.
@Corai12 I do not channel any separate astral beings, rather I teach from my own Higher Consciousness state – which is One with the Universal Consciousness. My own purity and connection determines how well I can bring through these energies and messages. In my videos I teach a person to realize who they are and to continue to pursue knowledge until they experience beyond the astral and causal dimensions – reaching the state of Pure Consciousness / Formless Awareness.
@Corai12 The channel is being manipulated by the astral being and the channel is manipulating the audience. It is a self-feeding circle.
Now, there are also higher vibrational astral beings who do serve humanity’s greater good. It takes a healthy (mind, body, emotion) human being to be able to access these higher vibrational realms and beings.
@Corai12 These lower vibrational astral being communicate messages of fear, anger, blind hope, fantasy, etc. Being that the human is not ‘awake’ and avoiding their own inner trauma and healing, the human clings to the ideas presented by the manipulative astral beings. The person’s ego is fed, he/she feels safe and powerful. But the overall picture is fantasy and delusion. We see this a lot with channels who make prophecy, claim supernatural powers, make salespitch promises.
@Corai12 As per channeling. Most channels are communicating with different astral beings. The development and energetic health of the channel determines which ‘level’ of beings can be communicated with.
Many human channels are not healthy energetically (still having emotional wounds, subconsciously controlled emotional reactions and subconsciously controlled thoughts) and therefore can only access lower vibrational astral being.
@Corai12 Using a plant or chemical more or less forces these senses to awaken. If the person is not psychologically fit, he/she can have psychological trauma. Using personal development awakens the senses more slowly and is usually safer. This is why working with the correct intentions and a skilled medicine man / shaman is best. The mind is a fragile thing and most people are not in the least bit able to control their mind.
@Corai12 The spirit of the plant is typically a nonphysical, astral-based life form. These psychoactive plants typically awaken people to the astral dimension. The astral dimension always exists in human experience, however most often our astral senses are not being accessed in conscious awareness. A person can awaken these astral senses through meditative or energy-based practices or through the use of an external aid – such as a plant or chemical.
@Corai12 I have read all of your posts and will respond. Yes, the plant / substance is a tool. A tool can be used for benefit or harm, knowledge or pleasure, selflessly or selfishly. The person using the tool decides. However…. the plant also has a consciousness, which is different than synthetic chemicals. So it is the interaction of the plant and the person that determines the experience.
And sorry about Chico Xavier: He said another thing about the substance. It is a very similar effect and sensation that he feels when he was channeling. Better saying it is the same state of mind/consciousness. He’s work was written channeling (Psychography)
I hope you read this and please discuss with me. If you don’t have time let me know. You really look like a nice guy. There are some people “channelling” and just by looking on their website i know i can’t trust them. You are not one of those. But i encourage you to review your answer. Review what is yours in your mind and what you have channeled. Thanks for you attention. Love, Light and Strenght.
And better, what he learned he taught always with care, love, harmony, justice, peace, light, strenght, courage, prudence and all that is good, well and positive.
Profound and true than his hymns. No bible, no channeled answer, nothing. What he’ve learned about spirituality from a substance complete proves that we can’t be general which such a things n’ the are others. A lot of people have been received wrong information throu chanelling. If all the channels would be aware that they can do mistake and review their answer perhaps things would be more clear. Look to our past nobody cared about giving exactly the right information… look to our present….
The religion is cristian and has the main symbol hymns. This are inspirantions from the higher self, nobody writes the lyrics or melody, they are received from the astral and singed with instruments. It is impressive that a man that didn’t have education learn how to sing and learn about very high level spirituality drinking a “simple brew” and received a mission that today is in more than 30 countries (even thou wasnt him the expansor). Until today ive never found such things more deep and…
Another curious case is from the guy that i asked you to channel about.
This guy was a very poor man from the north of Brazil. He was inliterate could not read or write and didn’t have education. He had an experience with ayahuasca, the amazonian and central american brew that constains IMAO and DMT. In a second time (having a great experience that im not going to say otherwise it’s to much and i really don’t want to bother you ^^) he saw a lady that gave him the mission to create a doctrine
Was glowing with light, that the flowers, the things, the room and the pages from the spiritual books that he channeled were glowing with a shining and clear light. He asked his guide why such things happens when you have that substance. He got his answers and never used the substance again.
He drank the very substance of very harsh taste. The first time he felt really sick and he was scared. He said that it was like real living nightmares. His body got very weak and he got sick. He asked his guide how he could recover. The answer was: Prayer, Humility and charity. In 5 days doing all this things he recovered himself. After a week his guide offered him to take it again. He was very unsure about it but trusted his guide. This time he said that he was so happy and that everyone was…
He’s answers was curious. When he was young he had friends from another city and this friends had LSD. As he was very interested he asked permission from his guide to use the substance. This part is a bit confuse. nobody knows clearly what happen, if he used lsd or if he used another thing. We know that watched by his guide that said “I will lead you through the “trip” when he asked permission and also by a professional doctor, he used a white substance that his guide put in his water.
There’s a medium in Brazil called Chico Xavier. There’s a movie about him that was released last year, it is inspiritional. As a good movie watcher i would recoment to you. Not to change your life or the way you are or to say that your work is nothing. It’s just curious about his life. This guy wrote more than 400 channeled books. Once he gave an interview answering a question about hippies and the usage of drugs and the trance that this people or other achieve using substances.
Now i ask you: What if somebody that is going using a substance for complete study about nature, about what god created and about the human body in relation with such things? So this person is not running from the reality or trying to feel comfort or fill the spaces of life? Would it still be that same nothing?
Talking about cannabis it’s very complicated. I’ve done several physical, emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual and social studies about it. I’ve never met someone that used it in a ritualized way that did or is doing it right. The problem usually in my point of view is not the substances, it’s always the person. Of course a person with the body open would not have good effects and would be very exposed to heavy energies around.