99 Days 99 Channels – Video 65 Are there steps to spiritual enlightenment? If so, why? Why can’t we just wish for enlightenment and it immediately happens? We ask these questions of the Higher Self in this channeling session. Experience deep spiritual wisdom as you learn how to manifest experiences and what is delaying the manifestation process Learn why we are here in this world and why we create our lives as they are. Learn what enlightenment is and why enlightenment may be the 2nd most misunderstood spiritual word. Enjoy! — Welcome to 99 Days 99 Channels, presented by Channelling Higher Self. For the next 99 days, I will channel Higher Self to provide answers to questions posted by my YouTube viewers. These questions will be on a wide variety of topics. To submit your own topic, send me a personal message. To learn more about Channelling Higher Self, please visit my YouTube channel – ChannelHigherSelf. To view all 99 Days 99 Channels video, view my Playlist titled “99 Days 99 Channels”. Or vist my website: www.99days99channels.com & http
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www.siddhayatan.org http www.siddhalishree.com (blog) Many spiritual students and disciples think that glimpses in meditation are enlightenment or a form of enlightenment. Acharya Shree Yogeesh says that the mind can create many visions for the meditator, or spiritual practitioner,…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@krnmastajc88 So, you somehow know how Jesus acted and how he was?
I stopped watching after he said “everyone”.
Thank you!
I would like to vouch for ChannelHigherSelf because much of what he states in this video I can relate to and therefore understand. Whether he has similarities to Jesus / speaks like a robot only suggests he does things in a way different from “normal.” That is no reason to disregard the importance of the information being channeled.
That is all I wish to say, thank you. =)
@krnmastajc88 also, im not judging in any way about your appearance or anything but to act like Jesus himself and talk with that voice with a lisp it almost sounds homosexual. i really dont know if youre actually doing it on purpose i feel that you are in a deep state but come on. just be human and stop acting like Jesus if you are trying to be.
@ChannelHigherSelf lol. with all respect. i believe in spiritual enlightenment and everything you say. i have experienced it myself in a random circumstance. but like seriously, did you purposely try to make yourself seem like you are Jesus or something or are you pretending? it’s sort of too much. it’s one thing to be yourself and be enlightened but to be some robot acting like this great humble saying “dear ones”. if you want to connect with people and have them understand just be yourself.
:)) meanic human! you re a robot! :))
My goal is simple and shared by many other spiritual teachers. My goal is to help humanity awaken to their own inner Self – the experience of unconditional Love, Peace, and Bliss Consciousness.
Everyone is at a different place on the path. So I speak to many people at many different levels of understanding. I help them where they are are at. Sometimes it is basic. Some times it is more advanced.
I have videos that teach at many levels of understanding. Namaste.
The experience of Enlightenment is beyond the mind and desire, however desire is often necessary to reach this state.
My teachings are not based on conceptual boxes or categories that others have created. I do not limit or control what the Higher Self shares through me. I simply surrender and allow a message to be communicated.
If you enjoy others teachings, then great.
It is not my goal to amass a following or obtain great wealth.
Even enlightenment requires a desire to occur – the desire to know One Self.
When we look more deeply at the reality of our experience, looking past the theory of spiritual practice, we see that desire is creating everything.
Buddha had the desire to end suffering.
Ramana Maharshi had the desire to know the Self.
Eckhart Tolle had the desire to know more deeply the I Am state the had spontaneously begun to grow.
I wish you the best. Sorry to complicate your experience, however it is necessary at times on the path of self-growth. All limitations must be removed so that the experiential truth is known.
At some point in everyone’s spiritual path, all ideas must be given up so that direct experience becomes the teacher.
By silencing the thinking mind, we can open ourselves to the peace of the Consciousness that we are. As this experience deepens, we feel a bliss rising within us. From this bliss, unconditional Love will flow.
Stepping outside of the limitations of mind & thought identification is a necessary step to begin the awakening process.
I was doing good in my understanding, working it out on my own – till I stumbled across this genre of information, after much reading it’s almost become a new belief, but its all just extra unnecessary stuff. So these videos can actually be a hindrance than a help.. Rather than working it out and seeing that it is true for myself, but no offence intended, you are actually one of two (burtharding) that i’ve found to be spot on.
There are many ways to touch the experience of Enlightenment.
To remain firmly rooted in the Self – the Enlightened state – we must not have any external crutches. No techniques, tools, plants, chemicals, etc.
Only the effortless state of surrender can be the final step to root a person in the Self. When surrender is total, then a person will remain as the Self.
Whether it comes from the love, or LSD, you speak the truth friend. You speak with great clarity on matters that lay beyond the mind.
Just because your so damn ignorant you can’t come close to comprehending the message he is sending doesn’t give you the right to act like jerk offs and make stupid comments to make your selves feel better about your dumb self. Good Video…Good knowledge.
Only Love can create such a high as this.
U look reeeeeaalllly high.
Holy shit! It’s Jesus!!
Personally, I have no idenfication with being an “indigo child”. It is just another egoic identity that I have no desire to create for myself.
According to my age, I could be classified as an indigo child. However spiritually advanced beings have been incarnating for thousands of years.
Hey Lincoln Question here
do you believe you were an Indigio child turned adult? I am thinking you are,- just wondered what you thought or if someone ever brought this up to you…bye Nita
Yes the experience is all that matters and not the ‘label’ and of course this ‘channeling’ is not an experience that takes place either within the ‘heart’ or the ‘head’. In every timeless moment we manifest all our interelated possibilities/levels. We create our own boundaries with respect to what we perceive as ‘becoming’ the present moment. A still flowing stream. Being is becoming and becoming is being. Ironically we do not ‘attain’ or ‘channel’ the ‘higher’ level. We simply ‘let go’ !!
I am channelling the Higher Self Consciousness that is within me. It is within the Heart.
There is more information about the Higher Self on my website – channellinghigherself(dot)com
Thank you.Very true and very helpful. Everything you say Lincoln is certainly useful and you communicate both mindfully and tenderly to others.
I suspect from your ‘complexion’ and from the way you are swaying that your mind easily surrenders into a state of dhyana. However I am a little confused as to who you are channeling? Why place any emphasis on this? I ask this question gently and with respect. Perhaps we are just using a slightly different language?
AMEN a million times. IT IS ONLY NOW!
i feel like..when i am being truthful with my entire situation. especialy if i don’t understand something that someone is talking about. i do have an innocent dumb founded look in my eyes. like..being completely transparent in my ignorance. *sigh* i remember when i quit smoking..i looked at the cigarette. and i actually said to myself out loud.
the cigarette is always gone. and yet always now at the same time.
how can this be. i realized i was just attached to percieving it as always now =p.
veeery important statements! thx.
i can see his aura
@yogeeshashram I’m not quite sure how to put this but, how can one continue to be creative if they do not listen to their inner voice; what distinctions must we make between hallucinations and the truth? There is a lot to listen to.
Attaining Enlightenment may not be easy, But remaining enlightened is very difficult!!
@silencioesturealidad can you really make that judgement without meeting the master, friend?
a very good teacher of meditation. But not enlightenment. Very good teacher of meditation, my respects
the best answer to the question how can i tell a real enlightened master from one who just speaks knowledge he acquired?(which is what i think ur asking) is:
your job is not to concern urself with others and ur ideas about them. rather than search for a true guru, merely find the true disciple (in you). an external teacher may come. he may not. the true teacher is ur self
here true disciple means one who pursues his goal in earnestness, wholeheartedly, in an unwavering way
thank you
How can you tell the difference between a teacher who is a fierce lion and one who is just a yapping dog?
It is a very powerful sign! Everything you vissualize it happens for a reason! I was blessed to meet many gurus which I judged big time after I realized that they are in contradiction with what truly means to be a Master…then, I was blessed to receive guidance and understand that EVERYTHING IS PERFECT…what humans call bad or false is a blessing in disguise that teaches us a valuable lesson! Many so called Masters talk bad about other Masters. I smile and send them love when I meet them!
In my last attempt(shall we say) at medition I saw a Dragon wrap itself around me as if to protect me from something from the outside, is it a hallucination? I’m just curious and want to learn!
wonderful video.
this man is my hero